Check under “Account” to make sure that you have the correct phone number and email address.Ĥ.
Go to the Apple website and log in with your Apple ID. You may also want to ensure that the mobile number and email addresses you use on your account are correct. Confirm Mobile Phone Number with Apple ID Wait a few seconds and then enable iMessages again.ģ. On your, Mac click on Messages > Preferences > Accounts and then uncheck “Enable this account” to close Messages. To do this, go to Settings > Messages and then turn off iMessage on all devices. If you are sure that you have set up iMessages correctly but are still having syncing issues, simply resetting iMessage can fix the problem. Turn off iMessage and then turn it back on On your iOS device, go to Settings > Messages> Send & Receive and make sure that under “You Can Be Reached by iMessage at” make sure that the phone number or email address is checked.Ģ. Make sure that you’ve Activated iMessages Email Addresses
The following are some of the most effective solutions to try and fix this problem. Top 5 solutions to fix iPhone messages not syncing with Mac